Jigsaw Disability Services The Next Piece of the Puzzle

Last updated 08 Dec, 2022

Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA) is pleased to welcome disability service & support organisation Jigsaw to the CBD, giving people with a disability a chance to secure work at award-wage rates.

Around 50 staff, 120 course participants, 35 paid trainees will move into Grenfell Street following Jigsaw’s decision to move into the Adelaide market.

AEDA supported the business with its move to the CBD, offering location assistance, kerbside accessibility for worker drop offs, and the promotion of inclusion and diversity in the city workforce.

Jigsaw Adelaide Community Engagement Lead Kathryn Mills said the organisation is thrilled to provide people with a disability the chance to access skill-based training and work experience that transitions into award-wage employment.

“Jigsaw’s mission is to change perceptions and create systemic change in the employment opportunities available to people with disabilities — what better place to do this than in the heart of Adelaide’s business district,” Ms Mills said.

Jigsaw decided to move its business, which is already established in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, to Adelaide to give people with a disability more employment options.

Jigsaw, which officially launches on 30 June, supports, trains and transitions employees with a disability into the workforce as part of a workplace-based course and online program.

It helps participants in areas including punctuality, focus, professional presentation, following policies, professional communication, teamwork, workplace relationships, problem solving and stress management.

Participants receive a 12-month employment contract in Jigsaw’s commercial document and data management sector where they are paid award wage rates.

AEDA Managing Director Ian Hill said he was pleased to welcome the business to the CBD.

“The City of Adelaide is a welcoming and inclusive place for all people to enjoy,” Mr Hill said.

“Having Jigsaw choose to base itself in the heart of the CBD is an important vote of confidence, will boost the city economy and will encourage similar organisations to establish their offices in Adelaide.”

Jigsaw is the latest in a string of companies relocating to the city, joining Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers, Accolade Wines, Microsoft, Nokia, Google and Accenture choosing to grow their business from Adelaide.