Introducing the Adelaide Economic Development Agency

The City of Adelaide recognised the importance of accelerating economic growth in the city, and as part of its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, sought to design and implement a new citywide business model. After significant stakeholder engagement and planning over 2019-2020, Council at its meeting on 6 October 2020 resolved to establish the new Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA) as a Section 42 Subsidiary of the City of Adelaide under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act).

AEDA commenced operating on 18 January 2021 and is led by the Board which has responsibility to manage the business and other affairs of the subsidiary, ensuring that AEDA acts in accordance with the Act and the AEDA Charter. The Board is skills-based including expertise across hospitality, property development, place making, business development, investment, events and tourism. The Chairperson and up to 6 Board Members are appointed by Council.

In accordance with its Charter, AEDA reports quarterly to the Audit and Risk Committee and Council on progress against key performance indicators as outlined in the Annual Business Plan and Budget and holds an Annual General Meeting of the Board to review the progress and direction of the Agency over the immediately preceding financial year.

AEDA’s Annual Business Plan and Budget and 2024-2028 Strategic Plan were developed following stakeholder consultation and approved by Council. AEDA’s Annual Report is also approved by Council.

Working closely with businesses, industry groups, state government agencies and other relevant organisations, AEDA delivers a range of programs designed to stimulate the city's economic growth with a focus on investment attraction, growing our visitor economy, residential growth, marketing the city as a whole and promoting Rundle Mall as Adelaide's premier shopping destination. You can find out how your business can work with AEDA here.

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