
Higher education has long been one of the cornerstones of Adelaide's international appeal and continues to drive growth in the city. The city’s universities are ranked within the top two per cent of institutions in the world, driven by future-focused curriculums and expansive globally-connected academic, research and industry networks. South Australia is the nation’s largest domestic VET provider and has the country’s highest number of international student enrolments in schools per capita. The number of international students continue to grow, with over 38,000 students from 130 countries enrolled in South Australia institutions.

South Australia’s education capacity:

  • five universities
  • 140 public and private schools
  • 30 Vocational Education and Training institutions
  • 25 English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) institutions
  • 13 private higher education institutions.

The City of Adelaide is committed to the growth of educational opportunities and delivery of enriching student experiences through the support of StudyAdelaide.

Adelaide’s combined reputation as one of the most liveable cities in the world and its world-class education institutions provide an environment where international students can be a part of an inclusive community whilst building globally-relevant careers. Favourable visa options and local job opportunities have cemented Adelaide as a preferred study destination where students can live, learn and stay.

StudyAdelaide has been the driving force in promoting Adelaide as a centre of educational excellence since 1998. The organisation highlights the many advantages that international students who choose to live, work and study in South Australia have.

Promoting Adelaide as Australia’s premier learning city, StudyAdelaide’s activities are delivered to various markets globally.

Once students arrive here, StudyAdelaide welcomes them and offers an extensive calendar of free and discounted events and activities that give students the opportunity to connect with peers and immerse themselves in different aspects of Australian culture.

StudyAdelaide is supported by the City of Adelaide as a joint initiative with the South Australian government, the University of Adelaide, University of South Australia and Flinders University. StudyAdelaide is also funded by TAFE SA and 40 participating member institutions.